Weekly Email

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Welcome to the JoyCode an Empowering (Almost Weekly) 
Call-To-Action for My Athletes, Overachievers, and Underdogs in pursuit of a purpose-driven life.

(A yoga(ish) conversation about what it takes to play big) 

Your friendly reminder that you got sh*t to do

Put your hand in the air if you know you were meant to do great things and you want to surround yourself with doers, believers, and people who are going to push you to be/do better.

If this is you drop your information below and LFG! 

Show up BIG for your life with the JoyCode

- Alex

"The email that you actually want to open. I love seeing the Joy Code pop up in my email. 

    meet your COACH & YOUR mentor

    Hi, I'm Annette - A former pro athlete, turned yogi and excellence junkie who LOVES to root for the underdog ... because I was one

    I started my soccer career at "left bench" with no college prospects and zero confidence. It took one coach believing in me to turn everything around (I'm talking collegiate All-American and billboards with my face on it). So trust me when I say, I know the power of having someone in your corner. It's my mission to empower overlooked athletes with the same joy and focus that was once poured into me.

    creator of the athlete practice